In case you need to find out if a BAPI is used by a BOR, or if you need to find out a list of all BAPIs used by a BOR, you can use the following.
ABAP – How to find out if a BAPI is used in BOR
In case you need to find out if a BAPI is used by a BOR, or if you need to find out a list of all BAPIs used by a BOR, you can use the following.
Due to fact that BAPI structures uses different field names than standard SAP tables I used to apply a trick I’m going to present in this article – map BAPI fileds to SAP fields in a Z-table and fill BAPI structures dynamically during runtime Continue reading
It is possible to maintain interchangeability groups in APO manually with transaction /INCMD/UI but this is not practical in case we would like to automate some actions like assignment of INCMD groups to models.