Sometimes you need to find out whom a particulat workflow task belongs to or other way, which workflow tasks belong to a specific user. Continue reading
Category Archives: Development
ABAP – Parsing VAKEY in SD pricing conditions
It is possible to parse VAKEY (100 chars) field to separated key fields manually, knowing the structure of each condition table (A004, A055, …). Continue reading
ABAP – How to create/modify Source lists
In this code snippet I’ll demonstrate how to create or modify a source list (TCode ME01). I did’t find a suitable “standard way” how to do it, but after digging in the function module which processes inboud IDOC for source list (IDOC_INPUT_SRCLST) I managed to replicate the functionality in my own code.
I need to display a scheduling agreement after click on hotspot (containing SAG document number) in ALV.
SAP SRM – Get current status of a Shopping Cart
There is a general function module (BBP_PD_SC_GETDETAIL) to get overall summary of a shopping cart which also provides a list of statuses assigned to the shopping cart. But this list tells you nothing about which status is the actual one. And how to find out the correct one? Continue reading
ABAP – Additional button in the selection screen toolbar
In this short code snippet you can find out how to add additional buttons to the selection screen and trigger user-defined functions based on what user clicks on.
This specific example shows how to display current report’s documentation.
Note: The INFO button is added to the selection screen automatically once you maintain the report’s documentation, but the following code should serve as a reference on how a similar thing can be done manually. Continue reading
ABAP – How to find a gap in range of numbers
In this article I’ll share a piece of code I use to find a gap (the first minimal number that does not exist) between the given MIX and MAX numbers. It is not an easy task like in other SQL languages so you have to apply a little bit of coding in ABAP. Continue reading
ABAP – Local exception classes
In this article I’d like to present a solution how to implement a global class where all internal exceptions (exceptions raised by private methods only ⇒ always catched within the class itself) will be handled with its local exception class. Continue reading
SAP – Movement Types
What Is a Movement Type?
When you enter a goods movement in the system, you must enter a movement type to differentiate between the various goods movements. A movement type is a three-digit identification key for a goods movement. The following table contains examples of movement types. Continue reading