Check if ABAP program runs in production system

SAPThere are lot of cases where you need to run a whole program or its piece in development or testing environment only and you want to avoid running it in production. Or vice versa. In the following article I’ll show you a construct which will check if you’re running on production system or not.

SELECT SINGLE cccategory 
  FROM t000 
  INTO t000-cccategory 
  WHERE mandt EQ sy-mandt.

IF NOT t000-cccategory EQ 'P'
  " do stuff for non-production system here

The above snippet is part of a function called ‘PRGN_CHECK_SYSTEM_PRODUCTIVE’ so you can do the same as above by calling a function module:

DATA: l_production TYPE flag.

    client_is_productive = 1
    OTHERS = 2.

IF sy-subrc <> 0.
  l_production = abap_true.

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